South Indian Baby Boy Names for Your Little One

South Indian baby boy names and find the perfect one for your little blessing. Discover meaningful names reflecting cultural heritage and profound significance

South Indian Baby Boy Names with Rich Meanings

Explore a curated list of South Indian baby boy names with rich meanings. Find the perfect name that reflects your cultural heritage and resonates with profound significance for your precious bundle of joy.

south indian baby boy names
AadhishFull of wisdom, Intelligent, Commanded, Counselled, King, Emperor, Ruler, Person with supreme powerHindu
AadyantInfinite from Adi to ant, From beginning to end, Unique, Exclusive, Something that has no equivalent, matchlessHindu
AahanDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First Ray of light, Iron, SwordHindu
AahilPrince, Great king, EmperorMuslim
AaravPeaceful, Sound, Shout, Ray, Hope, Radiating LightPopularHindu
AaryashBrilliant, IntelligentHindu
AayanGod’s gift, ReligiousPopularMuslim
AayanshFirst Ray of light, Gift of GodHindu
AbhirajRegal, RoyalHindu
AdhritIndependent, Supportive, Lord VishnuHindu
AdityaNewly risen Sun, Lord Surya, The Sun, Lord of the sunPopularHindu
AdvaitUnique, Non-dualityHindu
AdvithUnique, Focused, One who is uniqueHindu
AgasthyaName of a sage, Humbling the mountain, Star of CanopusHindu
AgastyaOne who humbles even the mountain, SageHindu
AgshithVishnu, The Sun, IntelligentHindu
AhanInner light, DawnHindu
AidenHelp, IntelligentHindu
AishanThe SunHindu
AlokLight, BrillianceHindu
AmayUnbeatable, Lord GaneshaHindu
AmoghLord GaneshaHindu
AnayCompassionate, InconceivableHindu
AnirudhBoundless, UnstoppableHindu
AnshPortion, PartHindu
AnvitBridging the gap, LeaderHindu
AryanNoble, HonorablePopularHindu
AryashBrilliant, Intelligent, Knowledgeable, NobleHindu
AsherWise, Knowledgeable, Blessed, HappyHindu
AshvikBlessed and victoriousHindu
AtharvaLord Ganesh, Knowledgeable One, VedPopularHindu
AvaneeshLord of the whole world, Lord GaneshHindu
AvirBrave, Fighter for peace, Strong, ContinuousHindu
AvirajShine as bright as the Sun, King of KingsHindu
AvyanEloquent, One without imperfectionsHindu
AyanshFirst Ray of light, Gift of GodHindu
AyaanGift of God, Religious InclinationPopularMuslim
AyaanshPart of parents, Ray of lightHindu
DaiwikBy the grace of God, Divine, GraceHindu
DarshSight, Handsome, Lord KrishnaHindu
DarshitDisplay, SightHindu
DhruvPole star, Eternal, Firm, SteadyPopularHindu
DhruvitConstant, FaithHindu
DivyanshPart of the God, Divine, Spiritual Wisdom, Religious, PiousHindu
DivyamDivine, Spiritual, Superhuman, UniqueHindu
DivyanshuDivine light, SunHindu
EvanGod has been gracious, Youthful, Right-handerChristian
HridaanHeart, Soul, Kind, Generous and CompassionateHindu
IshaanSun, Lord Shiva, Ruler, GenerousHindu
IvanGods gracious and glorious gift, The Sun, Ruler, RoyalChristian
JuanGod is gracious, Jolly attitudeChristian
KanishkAncient king, Small, Follower of BuddhismHindu
KianGrace of God, AncientChristian
KiyanshPerson having all qualities, Blessed with good qualitiesHindu
KiyaanGrace of God, Ancient or distantHindu
KrishavLord Krishna and Lord ShivaHindu
KrishayLord Vishnu, SlenderHindu
KrishivLord Krishna and Lord ShivaHindu
KriyanshLord Krishna, Modern variant of KrishnaHindu
KunalLotus, A bird, Son of emperor AshokPopularHindu
LakshAim, Target, Goal, Sign, DestinationHindu
LakshitDistinguished, Target, Aim, GoalHindu
ManvikConscious, Intelligent, Kind-heartedHindu
MayankThe Moon, Distinguished, Beautiful, CalmHindu
MedhanshBorn with intelligenceHindu
MihranCompanion of the prophet, A rain of kindnessMuslim
NihitGod gift, Inherent, PreciousHindu
NirvedGift by God, Born in NovemberHindu
ParthKing, Arjun, One who never misses the targetHindu
PranithCalmness, God, Modest, Simple, StraightforwardHindu
PranshFull of life, Variant of PranshuHindu
PranshuFull of life, Lord VishnuHindu
PrayanIntelligence, Supreme IntelligenceHindu
PrianshBeloved, Favorite sonHindu
PriyanshuFirst Ray of Sunlight, Beloved like the moonHindu
RayaanFlow or sated with drink, Door to paradisePopularMuslim
RehanFragrant one, King, StarPopularMuslim
ReyanshFirst Ray of sunlight, Lord Vishnu’s AnshHindu
RianLittle king, RoyalHindu
RidanSearcher, KeenHindu
RiditWorld known, One of the VedasHindu
RihanGod’s chosen one, Lord Vishnu, Destroyer of enemiesHindu
RishabhMorality, Superior, Excellent, BullHindu
RishankDevotee of Lord ShivaHindu
RishavMorality, Superior, Excellent, A musical noteHindu
RishaanLord Shiva, Good human being, Sage, SaintHindu
RitvikPriest, Sage, Seeker of enlightenment, ScholarHindu
RihaanGods gracious and glorious gift, The Sun, Ruler, RoyalHindu
RudranshLord Shiva, A part of RudraHindu
RushankCharming enlightenmentHindu
RyanLittle kingPopularChristian
SaarthAutumn, Super boy, Complete or meaningfulHindu
SamarBattle, ConflictHindu
SanavThe Sun, Star around which the earth orbitsHindu
SathvikCalm, Virtuous, Another name for Lord ShivaHindu
ShayanIntelligent, CourteousHindu
SharvilLord Krishna, Derived from Sharv, Sacred to ShivaHindu
ShlokHymns of Lord, VerseHindu
ShreyanshFame giver and Lucky, Wealthy, One who gives fame to othersHindu
ShrihaanLord Vishnu, HandsomeHindu
ShrianshBorn with a part of LakshmiHindu
ShivanshA portion of Lord ShivaHindu
SreeyanLord Vishnu, Combination of Sriman and NarayanHindu
SrianshBorn with a part of LakshmiHindu
SrinishAbode of wealthHindu
StavyaLord Vishnu, Praised by everybodyHindu
TaimurBrave and strong, Famous king, IronMuslim
TanushLord Shiva, Lord GaneshHindu
VedaantThe scriptures, KnowledgeHindu
VedanthTheology, Absolute truthHindu
ViaanFull of life and energy, AliveHindu
VihaanMorning, DawnHindu
VirajBiggest in universe, The Sun or the kingPopularHindu
ViranshJust like strong, Part of Mahavir SwamiHindu
VirenLord of warriors, Leader of heroesHindu
YashVictory, Glory, SuccessPopularHindu
YashantVictory, Lord GaneshaHindu
YashithSuccess, One who has achievedHindu
YashvinLord Krishna, Intelligent, BrilliantHindu
YuvaanYouthful, Lord Shiva, The MoonHindu
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